Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Genesis 6:1-7

Genesis 6:1-7
This is the introduction to the story of the flood. I am not sure of the genetic conditions of the children of Adam and Eve were (remember that the brothers and sisters were intermarrying and although we know that is illegal nowadays they did not have an option. After a while it was among cousins (something we have in the family) and then the thing got less "weird" as we think of it today. The Lord had to come up with races and I think at that time too there were good and bad people because the decisions of the children of Adam and Eve were based on moral agency just like today. The Lord did not have a people he forced into righteousness and will never have. He can send prophets and he can show himself to some people, but he will not force them to be sons of God or sons of the world.

So, in these verses we read about the sons of God taking for "wives" the "daughters of men." We must always be careful with that work because even in Portuguese we say "woman" for "wife" and that could be the case. The Lord got very upset with this trend because these good guys were seeing that the daughters of men (worldly women in my opinion) were "fair" (in our words - hot!) and it says there that the guys were actually giants and the children of these unions were the "mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

The problem with this very tall guys is that they became very bad indeed. Verse 5 says that the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his (man's) mind were only evil continually. I think there are lots of people like this in our days. They imagine all sorts of garbage and put those things in the internet and we bump into those things sometimes, it defiles our minds, and then we have to forget those images. Some people search for them, as if they needed more temptation and then they complain that Satan do not leave alone. We must not be like these people of that past, the mighty man of renown who were doing anything that came to their minds. That is how people act today. We must stay away from what they offer so we are not tempted to become like them. Moral agency does not mean to anything your imagination can come up with. There is good and bad in this world. There is no neutrality. We must choose that which is right and be "the children of God" not the "children of men."

Verses 6 and 7 shows us a God that we don't think of too often. In Lost in Space, the series of the 60's, Dr. Smith becomes like a God all silver and he has all the knowledge of the Universe, but that god envisioned by the directors of the series, I remember well, was without feeling. That is how too many people envision Heavenly Father. To them he is so up there above us in knowledge and feelings that he does not have emotions. I think in their minds it helps him be so forgiving because nothing makes him sad or angry. Those are probably feelings associated with this life only. We learn that there is eternal joy out there. So, no one will ever be sad again and that is heaven. Well, read this:

"6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and best, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them."

I don't think the Lord has to repent of anything and I think there is a problem of translation here. In Numbers 23:19 it says:

"19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should brepent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"

So, the fact that he repented of creating man does not mean what we understand of repentance. It is more like regret, sadness, as he "grieves" at his heart. Can you see God sad? I can see Him sad right here! I can see that he has a heart and it hurts when he sees the debauchery and the lack of morals of our generation, all that people are doing in secret places and in the open specially regarding chastity which was the case that made the Lord bring in the flood and pour down fire from heaven on places like Sodom and Gomorra: man with woman, man with man, woman with woman, child molestation, bestiality, you name it. People do what comes to their imagination and if it is not in their imagination they will go see porn videos and learn about more evil things to do and there is no end. They will read about these things to have an "open mind" and they will listen people talk about these things as if they were normal. They will not only "open the mind" they will open it to all sorts of garbage and close it to that which is holy and pure, chaste and acceptable to the Lord. They try to legalize their filth and they hurt God right in the heart, cause him pain and sadness.

I see God angry, I see Him wanting to destroy everything down below. The lack of gratitude and the disrespect is everywhere and we to certain levels contribute to His pain. We must realize that Heavenly Father is a person, not a clown or a puff of smoke or the product of men's imagination to scare us so we don't have a lot of fun. He is there and one day we will see Him face to face and understand all this, how we got a certain job, why we got hurt or why we have everything we want or nothing in this life. Bu until then, let's remember that Heavenly Father is a father, a man who wants us happy and will work with us until we get that eternal happiness He so wishes we accept in this life.

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