Monday, September 27, 2010

Genesis 1:1

The idea is to read the verses that I point out is what I read and then read the comment and maybe comment about what you think of the same verses. I love the Old Testament and the New Testament. The main reason is because when I joined the church the only scriptures I had read for real was the Book of Mormon because the missionaries told me to read and pray about it. Reading scriptures was not a thing in my house growing up. We were Catholics and it was not a tradition to read it. Maybe it is to some Catholics out there but I remember that my mom used to leave the Bible open in the house because it was the "holy" Bible, it was holy as in it emanated some good vibes or something, and for that reason, having it open with a little cloth over it, it would bless the house. I think the house would have been blessed more if we were reading it and discussing it as a family at least weekly. But that was not the case with me so when I read the Old Testament for the first time I simply loved it!!! It was in Seminary (a study that Mormon teens participate for four years reading the holy books: Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price (every year focusing on a different one.) But my mom thought that if I read the Bible I would go go crazy. That is what she would tell me and she would point to images on TV and in the streets of men holding their Bibles in the air yelling at people that they had to repent.

The funny thing in Seminary when I was 17 years old and going to the LDS Church to see what it was, is that when we were studying Genesis, there was a question that I had to read from Moses 1:5 I think. I looked for the Book of Moses in the Bible, and I looked, and then I looked again! I could not find it! I knew Moses was in the Bible but I could not find his book!!! Did I buy the wrong Bible? Well, the teacher told me the next Sunday that it was in Pearl of Great Price but that was one week after I was all disappointed... hehe. I learned that really fast. I loved every single study book. Oh well. Here is my impression of this first verse under the light of the restored Gospel:

When they say "the beginning" they are talking of a point in the fabric of time and not the beginning of God. That word needs to be understood as the beginning of the story that Moses is about to tell. Besides, the first verse here is a sum of the whole story that will unfold: God created the heaven and the earth means stuff in the other side of the veil and in this one.

I also want to point that "God" here is our Heavenly Father, but we all know that the god of the Old Testament is Jesus Christ and that creation was not done by God the Father alone. He would command, Jesus would do it, and then report back. The Gods created the heavens and the earth because it was the creation of our Father through the hands of Jesus Christ. That fact is very important to me because when I see something beautiful in this earth I have to remember that it was a creation of God: a person, the sunset, the sunrise, flowers, etc. we have to remember that they were created by Gods and pay respect for those creations. Can we do that? Isn't that seeing the hand of God in everything? There is a lot that I could say about this, but it is too late and I will send t his after midnight now. But i will send it because I am happy that I am reading all this again.

There many amazing stories here. Sometimes let me know you enjoy this. I know I write too much. Sorry. Have a great first day of this study and make sure you look at something beautiful today.

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