Sunday, February 20, 2011

Genesis 4:24-31

This is the sixth day of creation. It encompasses the creation of animals in general and of man. The woman was probably created in this phase too, but that is discussed on the next chapter. I think the creation of Eve was on that day because the record will go back into a summary of the whole creation and tell in detail how Adam came to be, and how he named the animals and was alone and the Gods do their work with the rib and all that. But that could have taken some time. I am not sure and it does not matter. What happens here and what it is said is what we should reflect upon and see how it applies to us.

Before I go on about the creation of the animals and DNA stuff, let me just remind to all that Adam named the animals. That said, we cannot in any manner believe that the first man was a cave man. He was not illiterate, he was not conversed with God, he was not stupid. Adam was noble and intelligent, a prophet of God, a man who knew more than we usually think of him. To him was given power over all creatures and we are dominant in this planet not by accident, but by a divine command. The Bible as incomplete as it is talks some about him because it is what Moses wrote here (at least the first five books are attributed to him) but don't think that Moses did not have at his disposal books that were once considered sacred and existed that we no longer have available either because they were not preserved or because they were not included in the Bible to start with. Remember that what we read was carefully selected in the 4th century and some books like the book of Enoch was left out. If Adam was intelligent enough to name the animals, why would he not keep records of his own life experience and the revelations from God to him? Good question right? Because it makes sense! You will not find writings of the first man on the walls of a cave but in scrolls, and that man was Adam.

It says here that the Gods said "let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind." I think the wording is important. It says that the earth would bring forth living creatures of different kinds. And through the whole description of the creation in the Bible we see that the animals, plants, birds, and fish were controlled closely by DNA so they would not mix. Each one would produce and multiply within their own boundaries. Life sprang from life and no accident brought them to existence.

Biology teachers bend to evolutionism all the time in which the theory is that life springs spontaneously of nothing. Bio-genesis which was predominant before evolutionism explains that life comes from life only. Pasteur proved that and in Biology college classes. Biology classes now, ironically, have the same teachers say that life comes from nothing. In an article by Bert Thompson, PhD. (an apologist of the Bible), he quotes Nobel Prize winner George Walt who made a very good point:

"As for spontaneous generation, it continued to find acceptance until finally disposed of by the work of Louis Pasteur—it is a curious thing that until quite recently professors of biology habitually told this story as part of their introductions of students to biology. They would finish this account glowing with the conviction that they had given a telling demonstration of the overthrow of mystical notion by clean, scientific experimentation. Their students were usually so bemused as to forget to ask the professor how he accounted for the origin of life. This would have been an embarrassing question, because there are only two possibilities: either life arose by spontaneous generation, which the professor had just refuted; or it arose by supernatural creation, which he probably regarded as anti-scientific (1972, p. 187)."

There are many things students don't ask their biology teachers. A theory that is flawed from the very beginning is taught as law where law actually is found in bio-genesis only. Unfortunately I will not discuss the whole thing about the two. Dr. Bert states it very well when he quotes the verses of life coming from life:

"Other passages throughout Scripture (e.g., Leviticus 11:13-19) continue to stress that life comes only from life, and that “of its kind.” The law of bio-genesis states exactly that. This fundamental law of science is the basis for all that we do in biology and biology-related fields—from hybridization research to genetic engineering. Scientists and non-scientists alike recognize the truthfulness of this law, which knows no exceptions. Ask any farmer what he expects to get when he plants wheat seeds, and he will tell you he expects to reap wheat—not corn, or tomatoes."

The greatest contradiction I find is the fact that Pasteur proved that the alchemists were wrong, that what mythology had taught until then was a lie, and that life comes only from life and not spontaneously and then they all (the stupid teachers) start teaching of big bang and butterflies and elephants coming up by accident in an evolutionary process that is not a bit less ridiculous than mythology itself. Natural selection, species going away with time, yes, beings growing extra fingers, fangs, and wings spontaneously even in a trillion years... yeah right! Here is a little thing about Pasteur that we should all know:

Louis Pasteur is considered the founder of microbiology and a chief contributor to modern medicine. Louis was a chemist; and even though he had no medical degree, he made a major impact on saving lives through his work with microbes (tiny organisms). He was born in 1822 in Dole, France and grew up in Arbois. His early teachers thought that Louis was not fit for advanced studies, he was slow yet methodical and persistent. He was also a good artist. Louis became a professor at different schools and went on to research. He worked with organic crystals and fermentation but for our study it is his opposition to Spontaneous Generation that matters in this study. Even though it was controversial, Louis took on the question of whether spontaneous generation (life from non-life) or biogenesis (life comes from life) was true.

Louis decided to repeat the experiments of Redi and Spellanzani and create his own to answer objections of critics. When he was asked if he believed in evolution, he said, “no.” Pasteur questioned the theory of evolution, because Darwin did not base his ideas on experimental proof. Louis said, “Do not put forward anything that you cannot prove by experimentation.” Among other things we got from him what we call now Pasteurization : Louis discovered that heating foods such as wine, beer or milk to 135 degrees F. destroyed the dangerous microbes without ruining the flavor. He studied why the silkworms in France were affected by diseases and how they were transmitted. This led to the basic rules of sterilization which revolutionized medicine. Contagious Diseases: Louis discovered three bacteria: staphylococcus, streptococcus and pneumococcus. He developed vaccines against chicken cholera, anthrax, swine erysipelas, and rabies. Pasteur died in 1895 (the year my grandfather was born!) and is considered to be one of the greatest scientists of all time. Rene Vallery Radot, Pasteur's son-in-law said that absolute faith in God and in eternity were feelings which filled Louis Pasteur's whole life.

To think that life sprung beautifully from the hands of Gods that create them all over the universe is a beautiful vision. To know that I am noble and the greatest creation of the universe is even better. Man was the last creation... actually women (they say that after created man God leaned that something went wrong and then made it right and created the woman... I guess it is right... the experience made the creation perfect!) So, here we are with a huge variety of species of insects, animals, fish, birds, microorganisms and all. Some became extinct. Some with stronger genes survived and the weaklings of their kind are long gone. But for sure, nothing came from nothing.

I think the same is with what we do with our life. We will not be complete out of nothing. We have the basis of life, what our parents gave us in their own imperfection, and our experiences growing up and what we made of ourselves cannot be out of chance. A great person does not suddenly happen. A good brother or sister is not an accident and good parents do not just happen. We can also copycat the Gods and use what we have to crate something beautiful, have a life of service and use all the Jesus taught to make our life something we can look back and say that it was good. The creation process took a long time and there were earthquakes and toxic rain but in the end a lot of good things came from that. Our life is full of things that happen left and right and Christ's atonement teaches us that we can get all these good and bad experiences and move forward with new hope everyday, that we can indeed create something beautiful out of our own life experience. It is a matter of faith in what He says, in his mission, in his promise of mercy and forgiveness, hope that there is a place in the eternities where all this will mean a lot and at the same time not much, and charity which is the pure love of Christ, that makes us like God, extending a helping hand to those in need, forgetting our selves and in the process fining ourselves.

The creation was huge and so is our life. We minimize our vision when we think of ourselves only and that is the greatest challenge in this life. The moment we expend we can do great things. Let's think about this. Let's create something good, a life that can be celebrated in the end. Creationism preaches perfection came by accident. That is as diabolic as anything that can be said to take people out of the true straight and narrow path to perfection. We should not live our lives and expect that by accident we will produce anything beautiful. It takes years to perfect the art of sculpting to come up with something like the Pieta. It takes a lifetime and a lot of wrinkles to become a Mother Theresa of Calcutta. We must live life purposely and not let it just happen. We can create someone beautiful in every aspect if we stop believing in big bangs and go back to God. If we act for ourselves instead of being acted upon as we are taught in LDS doctrine we can make our life something we can look back and truly say, as God said here: it was good.