In the book of Abraham we read it this way:
"And the Gods ordered, saying: Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the earth come up dry; and it was so as they ordered; and the Gods pronounced the dry land, Earth; and the gathering together of the waters, pronounced they, Great Waters; and the Gods saw that they were obeyed."
I like the text from Abraham because it talks about the elements "obeying" the Gods. It is not magic. It is not making things appear where they were not. The elements are being obedient to the commands of the power of the priesthood that they hold. Is the ocean obedient then? We would say that it is obedient to the moon that controls its borders. Remove the moon and tsunamis and inundations would happen like crazy. Life would not be possible but for fish. We must ponder upon this and learn that the laws of physics are there to be obeyed. They were probably set by the Gods but maybe they are eternal too and the Gods know how to work with them, not break them, but their knowledge of those laws and their power is so big that they can within those laws create in this sense that we understand by revelation, that matter organizes itself as one obeying the commands of a superior being. Jesus could walk on water, multiply food, revive a dead body, cure the blind and the lame, make the storm stop, make the tree dry dead. Moses could separate the waters of the dead sea, make the elements of his cane act as the elements of a serpent (so could the priests of Pharaoh), and make insects obey his command, and the waters of the Nile to turn red. Elijah could make an ax float and we have record in the Bible of a time when time stopped (they needed more time to finish a battle and "the sun stopped for a day."
The powers of the priesthood are greater than we think, it is the power of the Gods, and the elements obey to that power according to the will of the Lord. When Jesus says that by faith we can move a mountain, well we can! That is being done here in this very description of the creation. The Gods ordered and the dry land that was under water so far (because they needed to cool this planet down) is now coming up. I can only imagine the noise that it would make of rocks going against rocks, water coming down from huge mountains, the rocky mountains being form, the Aconcagua, Mount Everest, and the flat lands of Brazil and Africa, this huge mass of dry land coming up being seen by Gods from above. Can you see it? Can you imagine the whole thing happening? I can! It is amazing and exciting! And if I could keep this vision and understand that it is called obedience maybe the power of the vision of the creation would suffice to make me a more obedient man. We could all learn a lot if we understand that they are giving orders and that the elements are obeying them.
So far the Gods are "dividing things" though: darkness and light, waters above and waters below, earth and ocean." In all those phases of creation they said that what was done was good. Heavenly Father is always giving his opinion about the process and the words are "and God saw that it was good." We must remember that they are separating opposites necessary for our existence. We need light and darkness, water and dry land, the atmosphere and the ocean, and everything very well balanced... so life is possible. Heavenly Father says that those things are good. Although I dislike opposition sometimes, the fact that so much evil is around me, I must admit it is all necessary for growth. I think what is happening though, is that there is such an imbalance in this earth that God looks down and says "it is not good."
When the oceans cross their boundaries and kill many, when the mountains and dry land in general shake and kill thousands and thousands, volcanos erupt, rains don't stop, droughts kill animals and people by great numbers, we should understand that this earth is tired, that it is a living thing and it is obedient and something is not right upon its surface, something is not good. Eventually the Lord will say that it is enough. The creation was beautiful and there was a time of great peace after the commotion of earth coming to surface and the process continued. We are making it all bad. Maybe we should think of that too. Maybe we should think what is our role, which part we are choosing in this latter-days: are we the ones God looks down and an angel would say "and God saw that (your name here) was good"; or ware you those on the dark side of the opposites? In the middle? We must be careful and choose to be the good ones, the ones that obey, the ones that will bring balance to this earth and make life here better for the ones we love and for ourselves. Let's think about this. Let's give Gods a chance to say that we were obedient and that we were good too.