Thursday, October 21, 2010

Genesis 1:9-10

I was imagining the separation of the "waters" as described by both Moses and Abraham in different times, in different styles, to different audiences. The planet at this point is formed basically with an atmosphere, allowing for new things to be created in it. But before they start putting plants and animals, it is necessary that to make dry land. The wording is that the waters under the heaven would be gathered unto one place, to let the dry land appear (and they call the dry land Earth and the gathering of the waters Seas.) That is very simple and we all know that the dry land was one big chunk of land. With time the separated (during the great flood? Who knows?) but they did and if we observe the east coast of Brazil it fits perfectly with the west coast of Africa. That is a perfect example of what the dry land looked like in the past (one big continent.)

I wonder if it is going to go back to that one day. No one really knows. But the fact that it was all one big continent allows the Garden of Eden to be indeed in Missouri, for them to be expelled away from this land and for their children to create great civilizations to the East of that garden (that is, in the area where we get the first records of the creation from - the Middle East and West of Asia.

In the book of Abraham we read it this way:

"And the Gods ordered, saying: Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the earth come up dry; and it was so as they ordered; and the Gods pronounced the dry land, Earth; and the gathering together of the waters, pronounced they, Great Waters; and the Gods saw that they were obeyed."

I like the text from Abraham because it talks about the elements "obeying" the Gods. It is not magic. It is not making things appear where they were not. The elements are being obedient to the commands of the power of the priesthood that they hold. Is the ocean obedient then? We would say that it is obedient to the moon that controls its borders. Remove the moon and tsunamis and inundations would happen like crazy. Life would not be possible but for fish. We must ponder upon this and learn that the laws of physics are there to be obeyed. They were probably set by the Gods but maybe they are eternal too and the Gods know how to work with them, not break them, but their knowledge of those laws and their power is so big that they can within those laws create in this sense that we understand by revelation, that matter organizes itself as one obeying the commands of a superior being. Jesus could walk on water, multiply food, revive a dead body, cure the blind and the lame, make the storm stop, make the tree dry dead. Moses could separate the waters of the dead sea, make the elements of his cane act as the elements of a serpent (so could the priests of Pharaoh), and make insects obey his command, and the waters of the Nile to turn red. Elijah could make an ax float and we have record in the Bible of a time when time stopped (they needed more time to finish a battle and "the sun stopped for a day."

The powers of the priesthood are greater than we think, it is the power of the Gods, and the elements obey to that power according to the will of the Lord. When Jesus says that by faith we can move a mountain, well we can! That is being done here in this very description of the creation. The Gods ordered and the dry land that was under water so far (because they needed to cool this planet down) is now coming up. I can only imagine the noise that it would make of rocks going against rocks, water coming down from huge mountains, the rocky mountains being form, the Aconcagua, Mount Everest, and the flat lands of Brazil and Africa, this huge mass of dry land coming up being seen by Gods from above. Can you see it? Can you imagine the whole thing happening? I can! It is amazing and exciting! And if I could keep this vision and understand that it is called obedience maybe the power of the vision of the creation would suffice to make me a more obedient man. We could all learn a lot if we understand that they are giving orders and that the elements are obeying them.

So far the Gods are "dividing things" though: darkness and light, waters above and waters below, earth and ocean." In all those phases of creation they said that what was done was good. Heavenly Father is always giving his opinion about the process and the words are "and God saw that it was good." We must remember that they are separating opposites necessary for our existence. We need light and darkness, water and dry land, the atmosphere and the ocean, and everything very well balanced... so life is possible. Heavenly Father says that those things are good. Although I dislike opposition sometimes, the fact that so much evil is around me, I must admit it is all necessary for growth. I think what is happening though, is that there is such an imbalance in this earth that God looks down and says "it is not good."

When the oceans cross their boundaries and kill many, when the mountains and dry land in general shake and kill thousands and thousands, volcanos erupt, rains don't stop, droughts kill animals and people by great numbers, we should understand that this earth is tired, that it is a living thing and it is obedient and something is not right upon its surface, something is not good. Eventually the Lord will say that it is enough. The creation was beautiful and there was a time of great peace after the commotion of earth coming to surface and the process continued. We are making it all bad. Maybe we should think of that too. Maybe we should think what is our role, which part we are choosing in this latter-days: are we the ones God looks down and an angel would say "and God saw that (your name here) was good"; or ware you those on the dark side of the opposites? In the middle? We must be careful and choose to be the good ones, the ones that obey, the ones that will bring balance to this earth and make life here better for the ones we love and for ourselves. Let's think about this. Let's give Gods a chance to say that we were obedient and that we were good too.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

One God or Three Gods?

The vast majority of the Christian world think God is one being that manifests himself in three forms (The Trinity) based on a decision made by a group of men in 325 a.D. Those men never claimed to be prophets or that the document was given as a revelation of God but a consensus that took years to come into existence because of the disagreements to get to what it is. Many revisions exist of the Nicene Creed. The LDS Church does not adopt the creed, it is not Biblical, it is not prophetic. I read it and don't see many things that we should not agree with, it even says that there should be only one Universal Church, called there Catholic (Universal) and Apostolic (which word makes me think of the Apostles who did receive revelation) and one baptism.

If the Christian churches out there that adopted the creed read it carefully they should dissolve their incorporations and either join the Roman Catholic Church or the LDS Church as both claim to carry the priesthood (authority and power) given by Christ to Peter. But then, something is very wrong in the Christian world because they are divided and they do baptize each other into the other religions, the Roman Catholic church, mother of all the other churches, accepting those baptisms although the priests are not ordained with power from the Pope... except baptisms from the LDS Church. This tells a lot about both the authority and power of the Catholic Church and all the churches that sprung from it (Anglican, Orthodox, Protestants, etc.) We do not belong to the followers of the Nicene creed but we do believe there should be only one church and that the Trinity is composed of three gods: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. Here is an example of the incomprehensible understanding of God expressed by some churches:

There is but one only living and true God, who is infinite in being and perfection, a most pure spirit, invisible, without body, parts, or passions, immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, most wise, most holy, most free, most absolute, working all things according to the counsel of His own immutable and most righteous will, for His own glory; most loving, gracious, merciful, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin; the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him; and withal most just and terrible in His judgments, hating all sin, and who will by no means clear the guilty.

(...) In the unity of the Godhead there be three Persons of one substance, power, and eternity; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. The Father is of none, neither begotten nor proceeding; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father; the Holy Ghost eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son.

Interestingly enough in the baptism of Christ, Christ is in the water and a voice from Heaven says he is His son and they see the Holy Ghost descend upon him like a dove - according to this descruiption of the Trinity, the baptism of Christ a very theatrical thing where Jesus (for them Father in Heaven) is being a ventriloquist so they people think to hear a voice from Heaven stating that the person in the water (Christ) is His (the Fahter's) beloved Son. Also, Christ is being an illusionist as he produces the Holy Ghost' appearance in the form of a dove since it is Him (Christ who is in the water) showing himself as a dove at the same time. The answer they have to this is in the first paragraph I guess: that God is incomprehensible. But then, John would tell them all "“Now this is eternal life; that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:3).

How can we know a God that is incomprehensible and a God which definition is so confusing? Well, a boy testified in 1830 that he went to a grove to ask God which church he should join and a dark power came upon him and he could not pray anymore. Then the power of the Holy Ghost came upon him and he saw this light that came from heaven descending gradually upon him, dissipating all darkness. In the light he saw two personages that were beyond description. One called him by name and pointing to the other, said: "This is my beloved son. Hear Him." Those were two men: the Father and the Son. We know they are two separate beings because of revelation and not the decisions of men, not biblical, not prophetic. This vision of the young prophet Joseph Smith Jr. fits the experiences of Moses and other ancient prophets that described that God had a face, hands, back, feet, etc. Anyone can google those terms associated with God and see that it is a fact. Christ after his resurrection ate fish and honey to prove the apostles he was not a ghost. Let's follow what the Bible says and let's follow living prophets. God is a man and we can know Him, He is our Father, He wants us to know Him, He wants us to accept His Son, Jesus Christ who was resurrected with a body of flesh and bones, his body, glorified and immortal and we believe we will also be resurrected and have our eternal bodies and live with them, gods and angels, with bodies that are likewise glorified. I hope this make sense.

Genesis 1:6-8

This is the second day of creation and Moses is talking about the "firmament" in the midst of the waters. In the book of Moses we read the account pretty much like this one. Abraham lived in a land where they believed in many Gods and he talks in those terms, not because he wanted to please them, but because he could. Moses comes in a time way apart from Abraham. Moses talks to a people that were also in a land of many gods and I think that it was "safer" to talk that way. For Abraham it was not bad at all. So, this same account comes across this way:

" And the Gods also said: Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and it shall divide the waters from the waters. And the Gods ordered the expanse, so that it divided the waters which were under the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so, even as they ordered. And the Gods called the expanse, Heaven. And it came to pass that it was from evening until morning that they called night; and it came to pass that it was from morning until evening that they called day; and this was the second atime that they called night and day."

We know of some Gods: Elohim (our Father in Heaven), Jehovah (Jesus), the Holy Ghost (not sure of his participation in that.) We also know that we are destined to be Gods and that Heavenly Father once lived as a mortal so we know there are more Gods. We should worship only one though, and OUR God is Heavenly Father, not Jesus, not the Holy Ghost. They do work together but we don't pray to Jesus or the Holy Ghost. If we get an answer from the Holy Ghost, from Jesus, or from Heavenly Father it does not matter: all that is good comes from one God. Sometimes they are mentioned as one God even in the Book of Mormon and that causes great confusion. I am posting a comment on this topic: One God or Three Gods?

The GODS (sweet word) are doing something fascinating here. Think that they are creating a planet and they just brought light to the chaos of this corner of the Universe. Matter existing everywhere and Abraham and Moses need to describer this matter somehow. They use the word "waters" and the Gods are separating matter and making atmosphere, the stratosphere, making sure this huge ball of fire calms down and solidifies and the elements are turning fast and there is water being formed, a lot of it, to cool down the masses below.

They are separating the waters in an orchestrated process of creation like we have not witnessed yet with any telescope. It is also spiritual as the creation has always two parts (everything being created in pure form and then becoming corrupt) but this planet we are talking about here is celestial, a celestial body indeed. The Gods are not playing with mud as we know mud. This matter is called water and the separation creates something above the waters that is called the firmament (I read about it and it is the expanse above but not the atmosphere where birds fly and all. The waters below are the oceans. It is a huge thing.

They are not going into details of daisies and dragon flies here, this is rough but perfect and beautiful. One day we may do that. The religions of men cannot see it. They don't consider these writings the words of one who saw what was being done, but the writing of naive peoples who considered the heavens fixed matter as in hard and solid with stars pinned to it. It is true that many ancient people thought that, but Abraham and Moses knew the truth and wrote what they saw in their terms, to their audiences, to their time.

As I was reading this and writing this I could see the process clearly and I could feel the power of the matters in motion. I have no doubt that this planet was created by Gods and it was done as they do it in other places all the time. I am not sure how often they create planets and stars but they can. We know people that can float in the air and telekinesis is not a trick - some people can move things with their minds. Multiply that power and other powers a million times and you can see the existence these beings we call Gods that populate the Universe and they are pure and powerful.

They cannot stop creating just like Satan cannot stop destroying, so we see what we see with the Hubble Telescope. Let's not be naive as we are modern and know better. This is the vision I have and this is the vision I need to keep but in a world where most of the time we see destruction and not creation it is easy to lose sight of the beauty of the firmament, of the waters above and the waters below. Satan is about destroying, decay, corruption, and this earth is as telestial as it can be. We will come to the point where what the Gods are doing here gets corrupted by Adam and Eve and the power they brought with them as children of the Gods, but for now just think of this: the work of the devil is not to create, to elevate, to enlighten.

If we embrace this telestial world and Satan's fads, vices, lifestyles, and answers our minds will not expand but shrink. Intellectuals and clerics are mostly intellectuals and religious thinkers of the knowledge of the world, not necessarily satanic, but earthly, limited, confused. I read what they write about the heavens and the earth and I see confused people speaking in an specific way to please each other and not coming to any conclusion but what they like to hear and say to each other. My mind is full of the images of truth and light and I can say I see the creation today, in this study, with more knowledge and light than any of these people that study one thing their whole life. I like the feeling and I love what I know.

Let's think about the skies, let's look at it now and then. Look at the stars, the moon, and the sun. It is not an accident, it is too perfect to be an accident. Explode a library and wait billions and billions of years and it will not produce a book. It is easy to believe in the lies of this world that make us an accident because then we don't have any rules except the morals that are convenient to us. But we are more than that. We are not an accident of the Universe. We have a purpose. There is a heaven, there is an earth, and the oceans will always calms us down if we listen to the waves because it was made that way, to sing to us, to have a lot of life in it, to testify to us that it is divine, as we are.